"I'd love to do more trainings with this presenter; she was grounded and informative, very relevant."
Training Participant, 6/2021
The Science of Addiction and Recovery
This 6-hour training, developed by Faces and Voices of Recovery is identified by Friends of Recovery NY as a "core training" for the recovery field. It is offered live or virtually via Zoom and is facilitated by Best Practice Trainer, Deb Rhoades. For Zoom trainings, participants must have access to both audio and video connection and must fully participate.
This Rhoades to Recovery Training is approved through 4/2024 by ASAP-NYCB for CRPA and CARC Continuing Education renewal hours and CARC Elective (Initial Certification). It is also approved by OASAS for CASAC, CPP and CPS Renewal Hours. Social Work Continuing Education hours are available upon request.
This 6-hour training will demonstrate that Addiction is a brain disease from which people can and do recover. Science has shown consistently and over time that addiction keeps the brain from functioning normal, much like heart disease. Addiction is very much like other illnesses that affect our behavior. No one chooses to develop hypertension, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or cancer, however you can get these illnesses because of your genetic vulnerabilities and other factors that influence our health. One can maintain long-term recovery from addiction, just as other chronic illnesses and in fact, those who receive care for their addiction, maintain the same rates of recovery as people with diabetes and hypertension.
Recovering from addiction is a life-long health issue, requiring people to manage their illness. It is not a question of morals or willpower, just as with other chronic health conditions. Addiction recovery is about management throughout life and if there is a recurrence of symptoms (relapse) this does not mean that recovery stops.
This training also provides the language to communicate, without stigma or judgement, whether you are a treatment professional, recovery peer professional, person in recovery or family member impacted by addiction/recovery.
Participants will learn: