Recovery Peer Advocates-16 hours

Cost: $ 300.00 pp

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Ethics For Recovery Peer Advocates

In a Recovery-Oriented System of Care


This training is facilitated live or virtually via Zoom.  Deb Rhoades, Best Practice Trainer, will deliver this 16-hour training. For Zoom trainings, participants must have access to both audio and video connection and must fully participate.


This Rhoades to Recovery Training is approved through 9/2024 by ASAP-NYCB for CRPA and CARC Initial Certifications. It is also approved by OASAS for CASAC, CPP and CPS Renewal Hours.  Social Work Continuing Education hours are available upon request.

Training Schedule for Ethics For Recovery Peer Advocates

2024 Training Schedule

This 16-hour Ethics training will provide Peer Recovery Professionals with the initial Ethics training requirement for the CRPA/CARC certification. Ethics can be defined as a code of standards for what is good, and the right thing to do verses what is bad, and the wrong thing to do. This training is designed to help Peer Professionals understand how critical it is to be ethically responsible.

Participants will:

  1. Obtain an understanding of ethics and why ethics are so important when performing peer services
  2. Increase awareness of key ethical concepts and common ethical dilemmas they will face in the workplace.
  3.  Familiarize participants with the NYCB Code of Ethical Conduct for Peer Professionals, the Ethical Guidelines for the delivery of peer-based services and explore the link between ethical and legal issues.
  4. Practice Ethical Decision Making through small group exercises and role play
  5. Participants will learn how to recognize the warning signs of burnout and discuss a plan to maintain wellness in the workplace. 

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